Growing Up!

Created by sarah 8 years ago
I have so many fond memories of Rebecca so I will pick just a couple to share. We knew each other from when we were babies in prams going for walks around Sway. I lived just down the road from Rebecca's granddad who I used to visit when I was little- he had a lovely garden which I used to run around finding routes through the hedges. Rebecca and I sometimes played together either at my home or at her home in Vaggs Lane. There was this one time when Rebecca and I quietly tiptoed upstairs looking for a lovely soft big bed, once we found it we closed the door behind us and used the mattress like a bouncy castle- so much fun! We also went for walks around the farm going into stables and a place where there were bales- even more fun! ;) Happy times, remembered with a smile and a tear. Sarah Clarke (was Vick) oh yes I probably need to say sorry Carolyn for us being little monkeys xx